And then,
'And then, ' is journey through a night, in an imaginary mix of forest and room in a city, where anything can happen.
It is a live sound set, performed in a choreographed space, with wind, sound and vibration. As a part of the experience, you come and sit or lie down in comfortable neich of your choosing. You remain safe in the darkness, alone yet connected through vibration to everything else.
I have been interested in the dark, humid belowground worlds that offer homes of incredible elegance and complexity to a multitude of organisms. Each of them with their own umwelt*.
Upon seeing deeply, one finds this non-euclidean use of space is pervasive in nature. And it allows for diversity. Whereas human made worlds are fraught with notions of sterility and homogeneity. Where white walls and flat surfaces are signs of modernity, I'm interested in contamination.
In the euclidean life, where the experience of time is flat, this is an attempt to make the experience dense. For a moment of time to become rich.
*Umwelt(noun): the world as it is experienced by a particular organism